Visa -- DS-117 Application to Determine Returning Resident Status [279 Kb] -- DS-156 Nonimmigrant Visa Application [32 Kb] -- DS-156-E Nonimmigrant Treaty Trader / Investor Application [233 Kb] -- DS-156-K Nonimmigrant Fiance(e) Visa Application [217 Kb] -- DS-157 Supplemental Nonimmigrant Visa Application [253 Kb] -- DS-158 Contact Information and Work History for Nonimmigrant Visa Applicant [296 Kb] -- DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Application [933 Kb] -- DS-230 Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration [468 Kb] -- DS-234 Special Immigrant Visa Biodata Form [97 Kb] -- DS-1648 Application for A, G, or NATO Visa [37 Kb] -- DS-1981 Affidavit Concerning Exemption from Immigration Requirements for a Foreign Adopted Child [88 Kb] -- DS-3032 Choice of Address and Agent [172 Kb] -- DS-3052 Nonimmigrant V Visa Application [173 Kb] -- DS-4034 Class A Non-immigrant Visa Referral [204 Kb] -- DSP-122 Supplemental Registration for the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program [117 Kb] Pasaporte -- DS-10 Birth Affidavit [193 Kb] -- DS-11 Application for U.S. Passport or Registrations (Fillable) [782 Kb] -- DS-11 Application for U.S. Passport or Registrations (Non-Fillable) [743 Kb] -- DS-60 Affidavit Regarding Change of Name [188 Kb] -- DS-64 Statement Regarding Lost or Stolen Passport [1270 Kb] -- DS-71 Affidavit of Identifying Witness [33 Kb] -- DS-82 Application for U.S. Passport by Mail (Fillable) [717 Kb] -- DS-82 Application for U.S. Passport by Mail (Non-Fillable) [787 Kb] -- DS-86 Statement of Non-Receipt of a Passport [181 Kb] -- DS-3053 Statement of Consent: Issuance of a Passport to a Minor under Age 16 (Fillable) [157 Kb] -- DS-3053 Statement of Consent: Issuance of a Passport to a Minor under Age 16 (Non-Fillable) [143 Kb] -- DS-3077 Request for Entry into Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program [207 Kb] -- DS-4085 Application for Additional Visa Pages (Fillable) [729 Kb] -- DS-4085 Application for Additional Visa Pages (Non-Fillable) [614 Kb] -- DS-5504 U.S. Passport Re-Application (Fillable) [955 Kb] -- DS-5504 U.S. Passport Re-Application (Non-Fillable) [881 Kb] Concesiones -- DS-3036 Exchange Visitor Program Application [33 Kb] -- DS-3037 Update of Information on Exchange Visitor Program Sponsor [33 Kb] -- DS-3091 Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program [233 Kb] -- DS-4502 Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program Application [6450 Kb] -- DS-7001 Participant Application, 2009-2010 Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program [495 Kb] -- DS-7003 Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program International Application [4788 Kb] -- DS-7004 Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program Hosting Application [973 Kb] -- DS-7005 Participant Application, 2009-2010 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program [518 Kb] Servicio a Ciudadanos Americanos -- DS-2029 Application for Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the Unites States of America [286 Kb] -- DS-2060 Report of the Death of an American Citizen Abroad [101 Kb] -- DS-3013 Application for Assistance under the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction [487 Kb] -- DS-3013-S Application for Assistance Under the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction [437 Kb] -- DS-3072 Emergency Loan Application and Evacuation Document [283 Kb] -- DS-3077 Request for Entry into Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program [207 Kb] -- DS-4024 Travel Registration [358 Kb] -- DS-4024 Travel Registration (Online Application) [32 Kb] -- DS-4079 Information for Determining Possible Loss of U.S. Citizenship [234 Kb] -- DS-4080 Oath of Renunciation of the Nationality of the United States [68 Kb] -- DS-4081 Statement of Understanding Concerning the Consequences and Ramifications of Renunciation of U.S. Citizenship [31 Kb] -- DS-4082 Witnesses' Attestation Renunciation of Citizenship [58 Kb] -- DS-4083 Certificate of Loss of Nationality of the United States [27 Kb] -- DS-5505 Authorization for the Release of Information Under the Privacy Act [185 Kb] -- DS-5511 Affidavit for the Surviving Spouse or Next of Kin [185 Kb] Empleo / Benefcios -- SF-278 Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report -- CA-1 Federal Employee's Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation [34 Kb] -- CA-2 Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation [33 Kb] -- CA-2-A Notice of Recurrence [32 Kb] -- CA-5 Claim for Compensation by Widow, Widower, and/or Children [33 Kb] -- CA-5-B Claim for Compensation by Parents, Brothers, Sisters, Grandparents, or Grandchildren [34 Kb] -- CA-6 Official Superior's Report of Employee's Death [34 Kb] -- CA-7 Claim for Compensation [31 Kb] -- CA-7-A Time Analysis Form [32 Kb] -- CA-7-B Leave Buy Back (LBB) Worksheet/Certification and Election [33 Kb] -- CA-12 Claim for Continuance of Compensation under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act [33 Kb] -- CA-17 Duty Status Report [33 Kb] -- CA-20 Attending Physician's Report [33 Kb] -- CA-35 Evidence Required in Support of a Claim for Occupational Disease [34 Kb] -- DS-578 Danger Pay Factors Form [398 Kb] -- DS-765 Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System Participant Record [382 Kb] -- DS-1416 Conversion to Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System [269 Kb] -- DS-1622 Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service (for children 11 years and under) [398 Kb] -- DS-1843 Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service (for persons 12 years and over) [130 Kb] -- DS-1950 Application for Employment [534 Kb] -- DS-2008 Notice of Termination of Diplomatic, Consular, or Foreign Government Employment [189 Kb] -- DS-3076 Application for Child Care Subsidy Program [261 Kb] -- DS-4002 Disclosure and Authorization Pertaining to Consumer Reports [181 Kb] -- DS-4017 Statement of Interest Foreign Service Officer [125 Kb] -- DS-4018 Statement of Interest Student Employment [44 Kb] -- DS-4095 Subsistence Expense Allowance Application [265 Kb] -- JF-50 Employee Performance Report (EPR) for Locally Employed Staff -- JF-62 Personal Services Contracting Action [235 Kb] -- JF-62-A Personal Services Agreement Action [447 Kb] -- OF-126 Foreign Service Residence and Dependency Report [130 Kb] -- OF-306 Declaration for Federal Employment [33 Kb] -- OPM-71 Request for Leave or Approved Absence [33 Kb] -- OPM-630 Application to Become a Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program [35 Kb] -- OPM-630-A Request to Donate Annual Leave to Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program [39 Kb] -- OPM-630-B Request to Donate Annual Leave to Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program [39 Kb] -- OPM-630-C Transfer of Leave Records for Leave Recipient Covered by the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program [38 Kb] -- OPM-1637 Application to Become a Leave Recipient Under the Emergency Leave Transfer Program [35 Kb] -- OPM-1638 Request to Donate Annual Leave Under the Emergency Leave Transfer Program [35 Kb] -- OPM-1639 Transfer of Donated Annual Leave To or From the Emergency Leave Transfer Program [35 Kb] -- OWCP-5-B Work Capacity Evaluation for Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Conditions [36 Kb] -- OWCP-5-C Work Capacity Evaluation for Musculoskeletal Conditions [34 Kb] -- OWCP-16 Rehabilitation Plan and Award [33 Kb] -- OWCP-17 Rehabilitation Maintenance Certificate [33 Kb] -- OWCP-20 Overpayment Recovery Questionnaire [34 Kb] -- OWCP-44 Rehabilitation Action Report [33 Kb] -- OWCP-915 Claim for Medical Reimbursement [34 Kb] -- OWCP-957 Medical Travel Refund Request [34 Kb] -- OWCP-1500 Health Insurance Claim Form [33 Kb] -- SF-61 Appointment Affidavits [31 Kb] -- SF-85 Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions [32 Kb] -- SF-85-P Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions [33 Kb] -- SF-85-P-S Supplemental Questionnaire for Selected Positions [33 Kb] -- SF-86 Questionnaire for National Security Positions [34 Kb] -- SF-86-A Continuation Sheet for Questionnaires SF 86, SF 85P, AND SF 85 [34 Kb] -- SF-144 Statement of Prior Federal Service [32 Kb] -- SF-256 Self-Identification of Handicap [32 Kb] -- SF-1190 Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report [114 Kb] -- UB-04 Medicare Claims Processing [41 Kb] -- W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate [33 Kb] -- WH-380 Certification of Health Care Provider [24 Kb] Retiro-- Retirement FormsDiversos -- DD-254 Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification [34 Kb] -- DS-63 Education Allowance Questionaire [473 Kb] -- DS-1663 Report of Mishap [558 Kb] -- DS-1664 Overseas Motor Vehicle Mishap Report [386 Kb] -- DS-1921 Award / Modification of Interagency Acquisition Agreement [185 Kb] -- DS-1929-A Overseas Contract File Table of Contents (Section I - Pre-Solicitation Documents) [241 Kb] -- DS-1929-B Overseas Contract File Table of Contents (Section II - Solicitation Documents) [75 Kb] -- DS-1929-C Overseas Contract File Table of Contents (Section III - Pre-Award Documents) [155 Kb] -- DS-1929-D Overseas Contract File Table of Contents (Section IV - Post-Award Documents) [155 Kb] -- DS-1929-E Overseas Contract File Table of Contents (Section V - Contract Administration Documents) [63 Kb] -- DS-1929-F Overseas Contract File Table of Contents (Section VI - Contract and Modifications / Contract Closeout) [72 Kb] -- DS-1930-A Domestic Contract File Table of Contents (Section I - Pre-Solicitation Documents) [162 Kb] -- DS-1930-B Domestic Contract File Table of Contents (Section II - Solicitation Documents) [170 Kb] -- DS-1930-C Domestic Contract File Table of Contents (Section III - Pre-Award Documents) [158 Kb] -- DS-1930-D Domestic Contract File Table of Contents (Section IV - Post-Award Documents) [206 Kb] -- DS-1930-E Domestic Contract File Table of Contents (Section V - Contract Administration Documents) [154 Kb] -- DS-1930-F Domestic Contract File Table of Contents (Section VI - Contract and Modifications / Contract Closeout) [157 Kb] -- DS-1969 Procurement Request (Domestic) [198 Kb] -- DS-1970 Procurement Request (Abroad) [197 Kb] -- DS-1990 PSA - Limited Personal Services Agreement, Time & Attendance Record, and Payment Voucher [318 Kb] -- DS-1996 Living Pattern Questionaire [440 Kb] -- DS-2020-I Instructions for the Retail Price Schedule [163 Kb] -- DS-2020-P1P2 Retail Price Schedule Part 1 & 2 [372 Kb] -- DS-2020-P3 Retail Price Schedule Part 3 [1088 Kb] -- DS-2021 Retail Price Schedule Part 4 [348 Kb] -- DS-2021-I Instructions for the Retail Price Schedule Part 4 [101 Kb] -- DS-2026 Retail Price Schedule Part 7 [334 Kb] -- DS-2031 Shrimp Exporter's / Importer's Declaration [240 Kb] -- DS-2032 Statement of Registration [40 Kb] -- DS-2038 Application for Certificate of International Educational Character [251 Kb] -- DS-2076 Purchase Order, Receiving Report, and Voucher [477 Kb] -- DS-2077 Purchase Order, Receiving Report, and Voucher (Continuation Sheet) [274 Kb] -- DS-3023 Public Voucher for Language Services [334 Kb] -- DS-3057 Medical Clearance Update [249 Kb] -- DS-3084 Secretary's Open Forum Registration [194 Kb] -- DS-4053 Mentor-Protege Program Application [223 Kb] -- DS-4054 Building Admission Application [235 Kb] -- DS-4088 Request for Translation Service [92 Kb] -- DS-4100 Iran Democracy Program Grants [199 Kb] -- DS-7002 Trainee / Internship Placement Plan [198 Kb] -- DS-7604 Living Quarters Summary Expenditure Report [269 Kb] -- DS-7646 U.S. National Commission for UNESCO Laura Bush Traveling Fellowship [210 Kb] -- DSP-94 Authority to Export Defense Articles Sold Under the Foreign Military Sales Program [35 Kb] -- OF-347 Order for Supplies or Services [1129 Kb] -- SF-26 Award/Contract [35 Kb] -- SF-30 Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract [36 Kb] -- SF-1402 Certificate of Appointment [36 Kb] -- SF-1442 Solicitation, Offer, and Award (Construction, Alteration, or Repair) [37 Kb]
Estas 10 causas de cancelación de las visas de turista responden a razones muy variadas. Embajadas, consulados y autoridades migratorias pueden proceder a su cancelación sin avisar. Infórmate para evitar que te suceda a ti.
10 causas de cancelación de las visas de turista
1. Cancelación de la visa americana por permanecer en Estados Unidos más tiempo del permitido, así sólo sean 24 horas.
2. Cuando los consulados o el oficial de la CBP (policía de inmigración) que está en la aduana americana se enteran de que una persona a la que previamente le concedieron la visa era inelegible para la misma o inadmisible para entrar a Estados Unidos.
O se convirtió en inelegible o inadmisible tras haberle sido aprobado el visado.
3. Cuando la visa ha sido arrancada del pasaporte donde se estampó.
4. Cuando se utiliza la visa para un fin distinto al suyo propio.
Por ejemplo, cuando una persona con visado de turista pasa una larga temporada en Estados Unidos y decide estudiar en una escuela, high school, universidad o academia de inglés a tiempo completo. Esto no es correcto, ya que la visa apropiada es la F-1.
Otro ejemplo es cuando una persona extranjera ingresa al país con una visa de paseo pero con la intención de contraer matrimonio. Si el oficial de inmigración se da cuenta o en la aduana descubren en su equipaje cosas como el vestido de boda se le negará la entrada y se le cancelará el visado. Casarse con visa de turista está permitido pero puede tener consecuencias muy negativas, por lo que hay que ser muy prudente con lo que se hace y cumplir la ley.
5.Cuando se crea que puede haber intención de emigrar. Esto puede suceder cuando una persona con visa de turista entra muy a menudo al país, por ejemplo a visitar a un familiar.
O cuando extiende continuamente la estancia. Esos comportamientos son perfectamente válidos, pero no pueden dar lugar a sospecha de que la intención es emigrar y quedarse en Estados Unidos.
6. Cuando se ha causado que el seguro público de Estados Unidos conocido como Medicaid cubra gastos médicos porque la persona extranjera con visa de turista ha tenido una emergencia sanitaria y no ha pagado la factura ni tampoco su seguro médico. Es relativamente frecuente en el caso de papás que se han desplazado a Estados Unidos para que nazca su hijo y posteriormente se regresan a su país de origen sin pagar el gasto hospitalario.
7.Cuando a un extranjero se le concede una visa de inmigrante (permiso de residencia, también conocido como tarjeta de residencia o green card), se le cancela la visa no inmigrante que pudiera tener.
8. Cuando una persona ha sido pedida por un familiar en Estados Unidos. Mientras espera es posible, aunque no siempre sucede, que si tiene una visa de turista vigente, ésta sea cancelada. También podría suceder que si viaja, una vez que llegue a las aduanas se encuentre que no se le permite ingresar al país. Esto no tiene que ser así siempre, ni mucho menos. Pero es posible.
La razón es que según sean las circunstancias particulares de cada caso puede dar la impresión de que la idea es viajar a Estados Unidos para quedarse a vivir con el familiar que ha hecho la petición, sin esperar el tiempo de demora, que según los casos puede ser muy largo, particularmente en el caso de papeles pedidos para hermanos.
9. Si se ha trabajado o se tiene la intención de trabajar en Estados Unidos. Hay que insistir que legalmente sólo pueden trabajar los ciudadanos, los residentes y las personas titulares de visas que permitan trabajar o que tengan un permiso de trabajo. En ningún caso los extranjeros con una visa de turista pueden aceptar desempeñar una labor remunerada.
10. Cuando la visa tiene un error burocrático, como puede ser el mal deletreo de un nombre o apellido o una equivocación en la fecha de nacimiento. En este caso en concreto la cancelación no tiene efectos negativos para el titular de la visa que obtendrá otra con los datos correctos. En estos casos el consulado suele llamar para corregir el error.
Las autoridades americanas son las únicas con el poder para conceder visas. Y son las únicas que pueden cancelarlas. Si quieres conservar el visado, no incurras en ninguna actividad no consentida según las leyes migratorias americanas. Es mucho más fácil conseguir una visa y conservarla que resolver los problemas creados por una visa cancelada.
Resuelve dos dudas muy comunes: ¿es conveniente quedarse en Estados Unidos el tiempo máximo autorizado? Y, ¿con qué frecuencia se puede regresar a EEUU con una visa de turista?
Prueba tus conocimientos
Toma este quiz sobre visas de turista que hemos elaborado para que compruebes si tienes los conocimientos básicos para obtenerla y conservarla.
Información interesante
¿Puedo manejar en Estados Unidos con la licencia de mi país?